Agriculture Equipment & Machineries, Land preparation Services, Tractor Hire Services and Farming Consultancy eg In Green Houses & Fish Ponds
Farmrite Ventures Ltd is a firm that is limited by shares. It was incorporated in the Republic of Uganda on 29th June 2009. Refer certificate of Registration NO 80020002547952. Farmrite Ventures Ltd comprises a team of directors and staff who are highly skilled and qualified professionals thoroughly versed and armed with a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years in the field of Agriculture Machineries, farm Technology and Farm Produce commodity Exchange.
Farmrite Ventures Ltd, Ventured into the Ugandan market as its preferred launch pad in the Agricultural sector in June 2009 but has now expanded and spread out its presence into the Greater Lakes Region of Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Eastern DR Congo and South Sudan.
As the company seeks to distinguish itself in the field of Farm Machineries, Farm Technologies and Farm Produce Commodity Exchange Business, a simultaneous approach and mechanism has been developed and put in place to embrace the “One Step Concept” in the area of Farm Machineries and Implements, Farm Technologies (Green Houses & Fish Ponds Construction) Farm Produce Commodity Exchange, Irrigation Systems & Equipments, Silage Covers, Post Harvest Equipments, Bush Clearing and tractor Hire Services.
Services Offered by Farmrite Ventures
Other Services
Training Services
We Train farmers new and modern methods of farming, how to use farming equipment and machineries and agro-processing trainings among others
Commodity Exchange & Exports Services
We buy produce from farmers, package and export to the neighboring countries. Commodities involved include Soya beans, maize, beans and irish potatoes

Available Farm Machinery & Equipment
Largest independent provider of agricultural machineries and equipment in Uganda and neighboring countries
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